Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hamlet (Blog #3)

King Claudius reveals his guilt and shows that he has a conscience. Do you feel differently about Claudius after hearing him express remorse? Why or why not? Were you surprised when Hamlet decided not to kill Claudius while he was praying? 


  1. I do not feel differently about Claudius after hearing him express remorse. I feel this way because if Claudius was able to put aside what is right and take in what is wrong when he killed King Hamlet in the first place, then he should NOT be forgiven. Especially because he killed him out of greed and jealousy. From what I have discovered so far in reading the play, King Hamlet had done nothing wrong, or at least wrong enough to be murdered, especially by his own brother!
    I was however surprised when Hamlet decided not to kill Claudius while he was praying. Upon reading further into the play, I read Hamlet's reason why not to kill him while he was praying. Hamlet believed that if he were to kill Claudius now, he would be forgiven and go to heaven with a clean conscience. As a result Hamlet decides to wait to kill Claudius until after he does something wrong again!

  2. Khara 3alekom kolkom ya habayel hai dars zai el khara methelkom ya 7aywanat tfoo
